From January 1993 to December 1995, case records of adult AIDS and HIV symptomatic patients admitted in the Department of Medicine, observation room and HIV Counseling Clinic were reviewed for the medical care cost of the patients based on the 1995 value of the Thai baht. In the three years, a total of 196, 227 and 182 adult AIDS case were admitted as in-patients respectively. The median duration of admission was 14 days. The leading causes of admission were tuberculosis, cryptococcal meningitis, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, diarrhea, salmonellosis and toxoplasmosis. An increase in the number of AIDS patients in the observation room was observed: from 572 cases in 1993 to 1,205 cases in 1995. In addition, approximately 600 AIDS cases were followed up at four to eight week intervals. The analysis of the data found an average medical care cost for hospitalized patients to be 1,452 baht per day while in the observation room it was 1,509 baht per day and 1,132 baht per month for the patients attending the HIV and Counseling Clinic. Because of the higher number of cases and the limited number of admission beds, only 15 per cent of AIDS patients in the observation room could be admitted as hospitalized patients. At present, it is urgent that a referral network be established among all university hospitals, all government hospitals and health centers. In this way, the more advanced medical facilities can serve as a primary diagnostic center which can refer patients for care and follow-up based on an established referral system. In addition, the development of a hospice service and community care is needed for cases in the terminal stage of the illness.
PIP: This study examines case records of adult AIDS and HIV symptomatic patients admitted to the Siriraj Hospital's Department of Medicine during January 1993 and December 1995. The study aims to determine the medical care cost of adult AIDS patients admitted to the observation room, hospital, and HIV and Counseling Clinic and to determine which factors are the most costly. An AIDS diagnosis is determined according to the Thailand Ministry of Health protocols. Costs include medication cost, facility cost, and testing in 1995 baht prices. Government-supplied medicines are not included in the cost. AIDS cases numbered 196, 227, and 182 adult persons in the respective years 1993, 1994, and 1995. The median CD4 lymphocyte count was 59 cells/mm. The median duration of visit was 14 days. AIDS patients occupied 5.4-7% of inpatient admission beds. 17.6-18.8% of patients were readmitted during the year. 26.4% to 33.7% died before discharge. The leading cause of admission was tuberculosis cryptococcal meningitis, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, diarrhea, salmonellosis, and toxoplasmosis. The number of AIDS cases admitted to the observation room for 2-5 days increased from 572 cases in 1993 to 1205 cases in 1995. However, due to space limitations, only 15% of AIDS patients under observation were admitted to the hospital in 1995. About 600 cases each year were followed up for complications. Medical care costs were 1452 baht/day/patient for admissions; 1509 baht/day/patient in an observation room; and 1132 baht/month/patient for HIV counseling care. The average cost for all adult AIDS patients/year rose from 18,726,176 baht to 26,812,204 baht during 1993-95. Medicine costs almost tripled for treating cryptococcoses. Treatment costs are lower in provincial hospitals. There is a need for the establishment of a referral network, hospice care, and low costs for treatment.