The morphology of the inflammatory activity of the peritoneum has been measured qualitatively but quantitative assessments are not common. In a standardized rat model we induced chronic abscess-forming peritonitis after laparotomy and inoculation of 2 ml Bacteroides fragilis suspension at a concentration of 10(9)/ml colony-forming units. The morphological inflammatory activity was determined quantitatively by staining the specimen of the peritoneum with naphthol-AS-D-chloracetate-esterase (NASDCE); through this staining the cytoplasm of granulocytes and tissue mast cells were marked. The peritonitis group (n = 53) and controls (n = 15) were randomly divided into three subgroups (nPeritonitis = 17/18/18 vs. ncontrol = 5/5/5) and observed for 3/7/14 days, respectively. On days 3/7/14 we diagnosed intra-abdominal abscesses in 2 of 17, 13 of 18, and 12 of 18 animals in the peritonitis group. In controls there were no abscesses (P < 0.05). The total cellularity and NASDCE-positive rates on days 3/7/14 in the peritonitis group were 301/409/280 (vs. 155/240/273 in controls) and 1.8/2.9/3.6% (vs. 0.7/0.9/1.4%) in the non-abscess-forming regions and 392/661/625 and 14.4/12.9/11.5% in the abscess-surrounding regions in the infected animals, respectively (P < 0.05). We conclude that the qualitative histological evidence of the morphological inflammatory activity of the peritoneum in the form of an abscess can be supplemented by a quantitative method. Through NASDCE staining the granulocyte and tissue mast cell proportion of the total cellularity as main indicators of the local inflammatory activity can be estimated in peritonitis. This method can be helpful in deciding when to definitively close the abdomen in the course of a programmed lavage treatment in peritonitis.