Effects of ivermectin and moxidectin were compared on two filarial species: Monanema martini which presents dermal microfilariae and induces Onchocerca-like lesions in its natural murid host Lemniscomys striatus, and Litomosoides sigmodontis (= L. carinii). M. martini microfilariae showed an unusual resistance to ivermectin, in vitro and in vivo; moxidectin was no more efficient. However, the two drugs used at high concentrations deeply altered the uterine embryogenesis, but had no lethal effect on adult filariae. L. sigmodontis blood microfilariae showed a great susceptibility to moxidectin, similar to that previously described for ivermectin. The two drugs also induced a long term effect because they inhibited the insemination of the female filariae. This result reinforces the observations made by other authors on the human parasite, Onchocerca volvulus.