Object of our Faculty investigation is a research made in the attempt to carry out an evaluation of efficiency and to offer a tool that might be useful to the future allocation of resources, structures and attribution of responsibility. The need of Faculty inspections in the fields of Didactics, Research, Attendance is becoming more and more important in the current phase of renewal. This work offers an example of inspection by means of Medline, performed on a given number of individuals and Institutions. The inspection of qualified scientific production has been thus performed on a sample of 808 individuals and 58 Institutions: the samples have been grouped according to their roles and to their university/hospital allocation within the "Azienda Ospedale di Pisa", Azienda c.d., which is conventionally headed by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pisa. As already suggested, the tool used for the inspection has been Medline. The collected data produce an x-ray which is in the whole very indicative, either in quantitative and in qualitative terms. The results are listed in tables (in anonymous). The criteria of application and the analysis of the results align themselves to the indications of the Conference of University Chancellors. The attempt to develop a method of inspection which shows as objective as possible might give heart to those who very often feel left out from the evaluation and determination of university initiatives. All this is therefore meant to satisfy the needs of the many who are currently seeking steadier values of support in order to obtain a sound renewal.