The uses of beta-particle emitting radionuclides in therapeutic medicine are rapidly expanding. To ensure the accurate assays of these nuclides prior to administration, radioactivity standards are needed. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the national metrological standards laboratory for the United States, uses high-efficiency liquid scintillation counting to standardize solutions of such beta emitters, including 32P, 90Sr/90Y, and 188Re. Additional measurements are made on radionuclidic impurities, half lives, and other decay-scheme parameters (such as branching decay ratios or gamma-ray abundances) using HPGe detectors and reentrant ionization chambers. Following such measurements at NIST, standards are disseminated in three ways: Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), calibrations for source manufacturers, and calibration factors for commercial instruments. Uncertainties in the activity calibrations for these nuclides are of the order of +/-0.5% (at approximately 1-standard deviation confidence intervals).