To investigate the developmental distribution of cochlear nucleus (CN) astrocytes, we used immunocytochemical localization of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100beta in rats at 0, 5, 10, 15, 21, 30 postnatal days plus the adult. Differential developmental trends were observed for both proteins. The spatial distribution showed a progressive increase of the number of GFAP-immunoreactive (GFAP-IR) astrocytes during development. GFAP positive cells occurred first in the granule cell domain of the ventral CN and in the molecular cell layer of the dorsal CN, then followed an outside to inside pattern of progression. The GFAP-IR reached an adult distribution 1 month after birth. By contrast with GFAP, the apparition of S100beta-immunoreactivity (S100beta-IR) was abrupt (between 0 and 5 days) followed by a rapid stabilization of density and distribution of IR cells (between 15 and 21 days). The developmental distribution of S100beta-IR cells occurred from the posterodorsal region and progressed toward a rostroventral direction. With contrast to GFAP-IR astrocytes, S100beta-positive cells were mainly restricted to the central part of the CN, while only few IR astrocytes were observed in the granule cell domain of the ventral CN or in the molecular cell layer of the dorsal CN. This differential distribution suggests that both antigens were expressed by two different cell populations at least, it is obvious during the first postnatal week. The gradual expression of GFAP and S100beta is interpreted as reflecting the time course of astrocytic maturation. These data suggest that the maturation of CN astrocytes may be linked to the final maturation of CN neurons.
Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.