We report a case of a patient with esophageal tuberculosis, a very uncommon form of extrapulmonar tuberculosis. Initially, because of constitutional symptomatology and radiological findings of mediastinal lymph node enlargement, lymphoma was considered. However, the endoscopic findings of ulcerative masses and a sinus tract revealed by esophagram were suspicious of tuberculous origin. Diagnosis was achieved after bacterial examination of smear samples from esophageal ulcers that revealed bacillus tuberculous and histological demonstration of caseating granulomas in cervical lymph nodes. Tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenitis was thought to be source of the spread to esophagus. The patient was successfully treated with a three antituberculous drugs regimen. In spite of its rarity, even in patients without risk factors, the diagnosis would be considered in the differential diagnosis of uncertain esophageal lesions.