A genomic library was constructed from a peak of flow-sorted bovine chromosomes 1 + X after PCR amplification. Forty-three bovine chromosome 1 microsatellites were isolated, genetically mapped and integrated in the international genetic map. In addition, BAC clones from a goat BAC library were identified for five markers (DVEPC119, INRA011, BM4307, KAP8 and MAF64). These goat BACs could be mapped by FISH onto bovine chromosome 1 to bands 1q44-->q45, 1q25, 1q21, 1q12 and 1q14-->q21, respectively. This map reduces the average interval between consecutive markers on the international bovine genetic map from 5.5 cM to 2.5 cM, and provides a good starting point for positional cloning projects in cattle, sheep or goats.