It is a retrospective study, enrolling 255 liveborn premature infants, born up to 32 gestational weeks and below 1500 grams, who were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of our hospital from 1993 to 1996. The aim of the study is to establish the most common disorders inside this group of high risk newborns. Among survivors is obvious the prevalence of pulmonary pathology (81.8%) and intraventricular hemorrhage (61.9%). The incidence of chronic lung disease is 15.4% being due to prematurity and intensive respiratory resuscitation. Inside this group of premature babies, the fact is observed that asphyxia intra partum does not play the leading role for the outcome, because many factors influence mortality rate there. The higher incidence of survival of babies below 1000 g is related to development of modern intensive care.