Objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe trends in the prevalence of cigarette smoking between 1980 through 1982 and 1990 through 1992 in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn.
Methods: Three population-based surveys were conducted among adults 25 to 74 years of age in 1980 through 1982, 1985 through 1987, and 1990 through 1992.
Results: Overall age-adjusted prevalences of cigarette smoking declined significantly between 1980-1982 and 1985-1987 and between 1985-1987 and 1990-1992. Serum thiocyanate, a biochemical marker for tobacco use, also declined significantly over the 3 periods.
Conclusions: Favorable trends in smoking prevalence and cigarette consumption among smokers were observed, but disturbing trends in some smoking behaviors were also noted.