The goals of this study were to (a) evaluate the differential variable reluctance transducer as an instrument for measuring tissue strain in the anteromedial band of the anterior cruciate ligament, (b) develop a series of calibration curves (for simple states of knee loading) from which resultant force in the ligament could be estimated from measured strain levels in the anteromedial band of the ligament, and (c) study the effects of knee flexion angle and mode of applied loading on output from the transducer. Thirteen fresh-frozen cadaveric knee specimens underwent mechanical isolation of a bone cap containing the tibial insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament and attachment of a load cell to measure resultant force in the ligament. The transducer (with barbed prongs) was inserted into the anteromedial band of the anterior cruciate ligament to record local elongation of the instrumented fibers as resultant force was generated in the ligament. A series of calibration curves (anteromedial bundle strain versus resultant force in the anterior cruciate ligament) were determined at selected knee flexion angles as external loads were applied to the knee. During passive knee extension, strain readings did not always follow the pattern of resultant force in the ligament; erratic strain readings were often measured beyond 20 degrees of flexion, where the anteromedial band was slack. For anterior tibial loading, the anteromedial band was a more active contributor to resultant ligament force beyond 45 degrees of flexion and was less active near full extension; mean resultant forces in the range of 150-200 N produced strain levels on the order of 3-4%. The anteromedial band was also active during application of internal tibial torque; mean resultant forces on the order of 180-220 N produced strains on the order of 2%. Resultant forces generated by varus moment were relatively low, and the anteromedial band was not always strained. Mean coefficients of variation for resultant force in the ligament (five repeated measurements) ranged between 0.038 and 0.111. Mean coefficients of variation for five repeated placements of the strain transducer in the same site ranged from 0.209 to 0.342. Insertion and removal of this transducer at the anteromedial band produced observable damage to the ligament. In our study, repeatable measurements were possible only if both prongs of the transducer were sutured to the ligament fibers.