Lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella haarlem was hydrolyzed and the products separated. Native O-polysaccharide antigen was oxidised with sodium periodate followed by reduction with sodium borohydride. Native and chemically modified antigens were the subject of immunochemical studies. Monoclonal antibodies against S. haarlem and polyclonal rabbit antisera against S. haarlem, S. typhi and S. anatum bacteria were produced. The serological relationship between the lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella bacteria belonging to the two different groups D2 and E1 was demonstrated using haemagglutination reactions, inhibition of haemagglutination and immunoblotting. Cross-reactions were observed in haemagglutination reactions and in immunoblotting between antisera to S. haarlem, S. typhi and S. anatum. Factors 3,9,46 were found in the S. haarlem strain and the sugar composition for the epitopes of each factor was determined.