[Drugs on the Internet. Hazards of public health]

Presse Med. 1998 Jan 24;27(3):117-21.
[Article in French]


The development of internet and more generally of telematics has given rise to many practical consequences in medicine. Whatever the context (communication, medias, teaching, imaging or data transmissions), Internet appears as a familiar tool in many medical fields. However some drift with harmful consequences for public health is emerging. This is particularly true for drugs sales via Internet. The absence of any control by health authorities over Internet drug sales raises acute legal problems for jurists, pharmacists, pharmacologists and public health physicians. A debate on the main difficulties is urgently needed.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Drug Therapy*
  • France
  • Humans
  • Pharmacology*
  • Public Health*
  • Telemedicine*