A 42-year-old female with a mediastinal tumor and massive pleural effusion ws admitted to our hospital in June 1993. Biopsy revealed lymphoblastic lymphoma. She had no evidence of distant metastasis except pleural effusion. Bone marrow examination revealed a normal karyotype (46, XY). The patient had been progression-free for more than 1 year after achieving complete remission by induction, consolidation and maintenance therapy according to the standard chemotherapy and involved-field radiation for lymphoblastic lymphoma. From May 1996 progressive leukopenia and thrombocytopenia developed. The diagnosis of refractory anemia with excess of blasts (RAEB) was made. Subsequently, in November 1996, she developed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), M4 type by FAB classification. The karyotype of MDS and AML clones involved inversion (3) (q21q26) and monosomy 7. The EVI 1 gene was examined and was proved to be rearranged and activated. This may be the first case among the therapy-related cases of MDS/AML reported whose karyotypes were followed and in which the mRNA expression of EVI 1 gene involved was directly proved in the leukemogenesis process of chemotherapy-induced secondary MDS and AML.