This study examined the relationship between smoking status and weight change from baseline to Year 7 in a large biracial cohort, the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study. Unadjusted for covariates, only male smokers weighed less than nonsmokers, with no effect among women. Adjusted for covariates, male and female smokers weighed less than nonsmokers at baseline, adjusted for age, total energy intake, alcohol intake, and physical fitness. Over the 7-year follow-up, all smoking status groups gained weight, including continuous smokers and initiators. Weight gain was greatest among those who quit smoking. Weight gain attributable to smoking cessation was 4.2 kg for Whites and 6.6 kg for Blacks. Smoking had a small weight-attenuating effect on Blacks. No such effects, however, were observed among Whites. These results suggest, at least in younger smokers, that smoking has minimal impact on body weight.