According to the complexity of pathological change of pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae (TB seq), on which respiratory failure based shows the higher incidence of marked degree of hypoxemia and hypercapnia than that based on chronic pulmonary emphysema (CPE). In TB seq, pulmonary artery mean pressure is higher, nocturnal oxyhemoglobin desaturation is much lower than in CPE. Also hypoxemia on exercise is lower, and oxygen inhalation for this hypoxemia is more effective than in CPE. The most effective therapy is continuous oxygen therapy. Home oxygen therapy has improved the prognosis and quality of life (QOL) of patients with respiratory failure based on TB seq. Artificial positive pressure ventilation (TIPPV) with intubation or tracheotomy is carried out for patients with severe hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis. Recently, early application of nasal mask ventilation (NPPV) on patients with TB seq has prohibited acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory failure. And also for patients with severe hypercapnia, NPPV with BIPAP method is effective for their QOL. Comprehensive respiratory rehabilitation is also successfully applied for their management.