Since we published a phylogenetic analysis of the CYP1A subfamily in 1995, several additional full-length sequences have been reported, including three members of an entirely new subfamily, CYP1B. Two avian sequences were recently published, so that CYP1A sequence data are now available from three of the five major vertebrate lineages. The two new branches that have been added to the CYP1 family tree significantly add to our understanding of P450 evolution. The inclusion of the CYP1Bs to the phylogenetic analysis allows us to root inferred trees. Addition of the avian CYP1As indicates that the CYP1A1/CYP1A2 duplication present in the mammalian lineage may have occurred after the divergence of birds and mammals. The number of fish species from which full-length coding regions of CYP1A genes have been sequenced has increased from four (trout, plaice, toadfish, and scup) to nine. These include CYP1A sequences from tomcod, butterflyfish, sea bream, sea bass, and the full-length sequence of CYP1A from the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus that is reported here. Phylogenetic analyses incorporating the new fish CYP1A sequences support our original conclusion that the fish CYP1As are monophyletic and indicate that the genes are evolving at very different rates in different species.