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Coulomb dissociation of 8B and the low-energy cross section of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B solar fusion reaction.
Schümann F, Hammache F, Typel S, Uhlig F, Sümmerer K, Böttcher I, Cortina D, Förster A, Gai M, Geissel H, Greife U, Iwasa N, Koczoń P, Kohlmeyer B, Kulessa R, Kumagai H, Kurz N, Menzel M, Motobayashi T, Oeschler H, Ozawa A, Płoskoń M, Prokopowicz W, Schwab E, Senger P, Strieder F, Sturm C, Sun ZY, Surówka G, Wagner A, Waluś W. Schümann F, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Jun 13;90(23):232501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.232501. Epub 2003 Jun 9. Phys Rev Lett. 2003. PMID: 12857251
Evidence for a Soft Nuclear Equation-of-State from Kaon Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions.
Sturm C, Böttcher I I, D&ecedil;bowski M, Förster A, Grosse E, Koczoń P, Kohlmeyer B, Laue F, Mang M, Naumann L, Oeschler H, Pühlhofer F, Schwab E, Senger P, Shin Y, Speer J, Ströbele H, Surówka G, Uhlig F, Wagner A, Waluś W. Sturm C, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Jan 1;86(1):39-42. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.39. Phys Rev Lett. 2001. PMID: 11136088
First evidence for different freeze-out conditions for kaons and antikaons observed in heavy-ion collisions.
Förster A, Uhlig F, Böttcher I, Debowski M, Dohrmann F, Grosse E, Koczoń P, Kohlmeyer B, Laue F, Menzel M, Naumann L, Oeschler H, Scheinast W, Schwab E, Senger P, Shin Y, Ströbele H, Sturm C, Surówka G, Wagner A, Waluś W; KaoS Collaboration. Förster A, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Oct 10;91(15):152301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.152301. Epub 2003 Oct 6. Phys Rev Lett. 2003. PMID: 14611460
Observation of different azimuthal emission patterns of K+ and of K- mesons in heavy-ion collisions at 1-2 A GeV.
Uhlig F, Förster A, Böttcher I, Debowski M, Dohrmann F, Grosse E, Koczoń P, Kohlmeyer B, Laue F, Menzel M, Naumann L, Oeschler H, Scheinast W, Schwab E, Senger P, Shin Y, Ströbele H, Sturm C, Surówka G, Wagner A, Waluś W; KaoS Collaboration. Uhlig F, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Jul 1;95(1):012301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.012301. Epub 2005 Jul 1. Phys Rev Lett. 2005. PMID: 16090609
In-medium effects on phase space distributions of antikaons measured in proton-nucleus collisions.
Scheinast W, Böttcher I, Debowski M, Dohrmann F, Förster A, Grosse E, Koczoń P, Kohlmeyer B, Laue F, Menzel M, Naumann L, Schwab E, Senger P, Shin Y, Ströbele H, Sturm C, Surówka G, Uhlig F, Wagner A, Waluś W, Kämpfer B, Barz HW; KaoS Collaboration. Scheinast W, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Feb 24;96(7):072301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.072301. Epub 2006 Feb 24. Phys Rev Lett. 2006. PMID: 16606077
Emission pattern of high-energy pions: A new probe for the early phase of heavy-Ion collisions.
Wagner A, Muntz C, Oeschler H, Sturm C, Barth R, Cieslak M, D&ecedil;bowski M, Grosse E, Koczon P, Laue F, Mang M, Miskowiec D, Schwab E, Senger P, Beckerle P, Brill D, Shin Y, Strobele H, Walus W, Kohlmeyer B, Puhlhofer F, Speer J, Yoo IK. Wagner A, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2000 Jul 3;85(1):18-21. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.18. Phys Rev Lett. 2000. PMID: 10991148
Dielectron production in 12C+12C collisions at 2A GeV with the HADES spectrometer.
Agakichiev G, Agodi C, Alvarez-Pol H, Bałanda A, Bertini D, Bielcik J, Bellia G, Böhmer M, Bokemeyer H, Boyard JL, Braun-Munzinger P, Cabanelas P, Chernenko S, Christ T, Coniglione R, Cosentino L, Díaz J, Dohrmann F, Durán I, Eberl T, Enghardt W, Fabbietti L, Fateev O, Fernandez C, Finocchiaro P, Friese J, Fröhlich I, Fuentes B, Garabatos C, Garzón JA, Gernhäuser R, Gilardi C, Golubeva M, González-Díaz D, Grosse E, Guber F, Hennino T, Hlavac S, Holzmann R, Homolka J, Ierusalimov A, Iori I, Ivashkin A, Jaskuła M, Jurkovic M, Kagarlis M, Kajetanowicz M, Kämpfer B, Kanaki K, Karavicheva T, Kastenmüller A, Kidoń L, Kienle P, Koenig I, Koenig W, Körner HJ, Kolb BW, Kotte R, Krücken R, Kugler A, Kühn W, Kulessa R, Kurepin A, Lang S, Lange S, Lehnert J, Lins E, Magestro D, Maiolino C, Malarz A, Markert J, Metag V, Mousa J, Münch M, Müntz C, Naumann L, Nekhaev A, Novotny J, Otwinowski J, Pachmayer YC, Pechenov V, Pérez T, Piattelli P, Pietraszko J, Pleskac R, Płoskoń M, Pospísil V, Prokopowicz W, Przygoda W, Ramstein B, Reshetin A, Ritman J, Roy-Stephan M, Rustamov A, Sadovsky A, Sailer B, Salabura P, Sánchez M, Sapienza P, Schmah A, Schön H, Schön W, Schröder C, Schwab E, Simon RS… See abstract for full author list ➔ Agakichiev G, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Feb 2;98(5):052302. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.052302. Epub 2007 Feb 1. Phys Rev Lett. 2007. PMID: 17358850
Observation of enhanced subthreshold K+ production in central collisions between heavy nuclei.
Miskowiec D, Ahner W, Barth R, Cieslak M, Debowski M, Grosse E, Henning W, Koczon P, Schicker R, Schwab E, Senger P, Baltes P, Müntz C, Oeschler H, Sartorius S, Sturm C, Wagner A, Beckerle P, Bormann C, Brill D, Shin Y, Stein J, Stock R, Ströbele H, Kohlmeyer B, Pöppl H, Pühlhofer F, Speer J, Völkel K, Walus W. Miskowiec D, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 1994 Jun 6;72(23):3650-3653. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.3650. Phys Rev Lett. 1994. PMID: 10056255 No abstract available.
Directed, Elliptic, and Higher Order Flow Harmonics of Protons, Deuterons, and Tritons in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=2.4  GeV.
Adamczewski-Musch J, Arnold O, Behnke C, Belounnas A, Belyaev A, Berger-Chen JC, Blanco A, Blume C, Böhmer M, Bordalo P, Chernenko S, Chlad L, Ciepal I, Deveaux C, Dreyer J, Epple E, Fabbietti L, Fateev O, Filip P, Fonte P, Franco C, Friese J, Fröhlich I, Galatyuk T, Garzón JA, Gernhäuser R, Golosov O, Golubeva M, Greifenhagen R, Guber F, Gumberidze M, Harabasz S, Heinz T, Hennino T, Hlavac S, Höhne C, Holzmann R, Ierusalimov A, Ivashkin A, Kämpfer B, Karavicheva T, Kardan B, Koenig I, Koenig W, Kohls M, Kolb BW, Korcyl G, Kornakov G, Kornas F, Kotte R, Kugler A, Kunz T, Kurepin A, Kurilkin A, Kurilkin P, Ladygin V, Lalik R, Lapidus K, Lebedev A, Lopes L, Lorenz M, Mahmoud T, Maier L, Malige A, Mamaev M, Mangiarotti A, Markert J, Matulewicz T, Maurus S, Metag V, Michel J, Mihaylov DM, Morozov S, Müntz C, Münzer R, Naumann L, Nowakowski K, Parpottas Y, Pechenov V, Pechenova O, Petukhov O, Piasecki K, Pietraszko J, Przygoda W, Pysz K, Ramos S, Ramstein B, Rathod N, Reshetin A, Rodriguez-Ramos P, Rosier P, Rost A, Rustamov A, Sadovsky A, Salabura P, Scheib T, Schuldes H, Schwab E, Scozzi F, Seck F, Sellheim P, Selyuzhenkov I, Siebenson J, Silva L, Singh U, Smyrski J, Sobolev Y… See abstract for full author list ➔ Adamczewski-Musch J, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Dec 31;125(26):262301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.262301. Phys Rev Lett. 2020. PMID: 33449792 Free article.
Subthreshold Ξ^{-} production in collisions of p(3.5  GeV)+Nb.
Agakishiev G, Arnold O, Balanda A, Belver D, Belyaev AV, Berger-Chen JC, Blanco A, Böhmer M, Boyard JL, Cabanelas P, Chernenko S, Dybczak A, Epple E, Fabbietti L, Fateev OV, Finocchiaro P, Fonte P, Friese J, Fröhlich I, Galatyuk T, Garzón JA, Gernhäuser R, Göbel K, Golubeva M, González-Díaz D, Guber F, Gumberidze M, Heinz T, Hennino T, Holzmann R, Ierusalimov A, Iori I, Ivashkin A, Jurkovic M, Kämpfer B, Karavicheva T, Koenig I, Koenig W, Kolb BW, Kornakov G, Kotte R, Krása A, Krizek F, Krücken R, Kuc H, Kühn W, Kugler A, Kurepin A, Ladygin V, Lalik R, Lang S, Lapidus K, Lebedev A, Liu T, Lopes L, Lorenz M, Maier L, Mangiarotti A, Markert J, Metag V, Michalska B, Michel J, Müntz C, Müntzer R, Naumann L, Pachmayer YC, Palka M, Parpottas Y, Pechenov V, Pechenova O, Pietraszko J, Przygoda W, Ramstein B, Reshetin A, Rustamov A, Sadovsky A, Salabura P, Schmah A, Schwab E, Siebenson J, Sobolev YG, Spataro S, Spruck B, Ströbele H, Stroth J, Sturm C, Tarantola A, Teilab K, Tlusty P, Traxler M, Trebacz R, Tsertos H, Vasiliev T, Wagner V, Weber M, Wendisch C, Wüstenfeld J, Yurevich S, Zanevsky YV; HADES collaboration. Agakishiev G, et al. Among authors: schwab e. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 May 29;114(21):212301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.212301. Epub 2015 May 27. Phys Rev Lett. 2015. PMID: 26066429 Free article.
114 results