Effects of a single large dose of vitamin A, given during the postpartum period to HIV-positive women and their infants, on child HIV infection, HIV-free survival, and mortality.
Humphrey JH, Iliff PJ, Marinda ET, Mutasa K, Moulton LH, Chidawanyika H, Ward BJ, Nathoo KJ, Malaba LC, Zijenah LS, Zvandasara P, Ntozini R, Mzengeza F, Mahomva AI, Ruff AJ, Mbizvo MT, Zunguza CD; ZVITAMBO Study Group.
Humphrey JH, et al. Among authors: zijenah ls.
J Infect Dis. 2006 Mar 15;193(6):860-71. doi: 10.1086/500366. Epub 2006 Feb 8.
J Infect Dis. 2006.
PMID: 16479521
Clinical Trial.