Academy of Medicine, Singapore clinical guideline on the use of sedation by non-anaesthesiologists during gastrointestinal endoscopy in the hospital setting.
Ang TL, Seet E, Goh YC, Ng WK, Koh CJ, Lui HF, Li JW, Oo AM, Lim KBL, Ho KS, Chew MH, Quan WL, Tan DMY, Ng KH, Goh HS, Cheong WK, Tseng P, Ling KL.
Ang TL, et al. Among authors: quan wl.
Ann Acad Med Singap. 2022 Jan;51(1):24-39. doi: 10.47102/annals-acadmedsg.2021306.
Ann Acad Med Singap. 2022.
PMID: 35091728
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